Our Encino business law department handles contracts, buy/sell agreements, setting up corporations, setting up Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs), negotiations, and other transactional tasks that a business might need.
Setting up a Corporation or an LLC
If you have a Encino, California business, whether you own it individually or in a partnership or if you are starting a business you should consider creating a corporation or an LLC. The primary reason why most people decide to create a corporation or an LLCis to limit their liability. A corporation or an LLC is treated as a separate entity from you. This means that if it has financial problems and goes bankrupt it may not take you down with it. In other words, over the years you may make thousands of dollars under the business of the corporation and may become personally wealthy, then the corporation faces bad times or loses a major suit, it goes broke but you don't.
Corporations or an LLC's have some maintenance costs but they may also provide some forms of tax savings. Small business corporations may elect to have their income treated as personal income so that they don't face a double taxation. If they don't make this election then earnings of the corporation or an LLC generally are taxed at a much lower rate than personal income but once a withdrawal is made or compensation paid additional taxes are levied.
The Encino Law Offices of L. Rob Werner are dedicated to helping clients set up corporations or an LLC and other business entities in the State of California. In a free telephone consultation, we will explain the legal process in creating these legal documents. We are business lawyers and attorney's serving clients throughout California.